Water and biodiversity

Our vision:

To be acknowledged as a business that values water as a vital natural resource and recognises the impact of its extraction sites on the local environment both during and after use.


Ensure sustainable use of land, maximising the benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services and minimising impacts on the availability of water in the natural environment.

Action plan:

Embed the water hierarchy of ‘reduce, reuse, recover, abstract’ before using mains water; improve  metering leading to better identify and repair leaks; roll out the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) water monitoring and reporting system. Establish, publish and monitor biodiversity action plans for all quarries.

2020 targets:

Reduce mains water consumption by 25 per cent per tonne of product based on 2010 baseline. All quarries to implement published biodiversity action plans.

Watch our sustainability 2018 animation.